Legendary Striking Fundamentals 

Legendary Striking Fundamentals



By Lawrence Kenshin

Together with Dr. Michael Yessis
The scientist who popularized “plyometrics” and the #1 legendary biomechanist

With 300+ videos and climbing, there's no other striking course like this anywhere. Backed by 60 years of sports science research with Dr. Yessis and the world class technical knowledge from the best strikers in the world, we are here to give you the fastest progression made possible by combining sport science with the art of legendary striking.

Integrating Legendary Striking with Legendary Sports Science Changed My Life.


Hi, I’m Lawrence Kenshin, founder of Striking Breakdowns.

When I first started creating content online back in 2013, there was little to no technique analysis in combat sports. With zero fans, I sent my in-depth article to Joe Rogan...

What happened next was crazy, Joe was extremely supportive—he said my analysis was excellent and recommended me to keep going.

After that moment, Lawrence Kenshin Striking Breakdowns was born.

Months later, Joe Rogan credited my work for allowing him to become "ultra- fascinated with striking sequences in high level kickboxing and Muay Thai."

But that's not all...

Within a few years, all of my martial art heroes approached me to show incredible support for the educational content I was creating.

I'm forever grateful by how legends showed their appreciation, so I continue to pay it forward by sharing their brilliance with the world...

Hi, I’m Lawrence Kenshin, Founder of Striking Breakdowns!

When I first started creating content online back in 2013, there was little to no technique analysis in combat sports. With zero fans, I sent my in-depth article to Joe Rogan...

What happened next was crazy, Joe was extremely supportive—he said my analysis was excellent and recommended me to keep going.

After that moment, Lawrence Kenshin Striking Breakdowns was born.

Months later, Joe Rogan credited my work for allowing him to become "ultra- fascinated with striking sequences in high level kickboxing and Muay Thai."

But that's not all...

Within a few years, all of my martial art heroes approached me to show incredible support for the educational content I was creating.

I'm forever humbled by how legends showed their appreciation, so I continued to pay it forward by sharing their brilliance with the world...

Since then, thousands of martial artists from all over the world wrote in...

  ... to tell me how much my work helped them transform on their striking journey. It's been a great honor to serve martial artists for a decade online now... from passionate beginners to world class champions. Whatever technical goals they had, my work helped them get closer to mastery.

Technique fight analysis was once a tiny niche, but it has now gone mainstream. Along the way, it has transformed the way people learn and view martial arts. Thanks to legends and incredible supporters like you, it's also helped me become one of the top educators in the martial arts world.

Today, on top of creating unique and systematic video courses with them, I also coach and game plan amongst these legends. It all came from nothing... I'll never forget how nervous I was publishing my first few videos and sending it to my heroes. Back then, I'd spend weeks studying a legend and their brilliant patterns. I would put what I learned into a breakdown video, all for free — and people loved it. When the legends saw my breakdowns, they said I was reading their minds.

While serving martial artists through analysis of legends was meaningful, the impact of what you're about to see is much more important. I consider it my true contribution to martial arts.

Personal Note From Kenshin in 2024...

In 2017, I started a mentorship with one of the greatest sport scientists of all time, Dr. Michael Yessis. He is a Russian American professor who coached world champions in every sport.

All the way until 92 years old, he kept innovating by integration what he had learned from the greatest Soviet sport scientists and coaches, and as fate would have it, I was one of his very last mentees.

Based on what Dr. Yessis has given me, I can confidently say that all of my contributions to martial arts thus far is minor compared to the integration of "Legendary Striking and Legendary Sport Science."

My mentorship with Dr. Yessis began in 2017, and by 2020 I started to truly realize the depth of his work.

I started tested it on amateur athletes, generating hard to believe success, and it laid the "legendary foundation" you see in this course. Since then I have been in the trenches applying what we discovered as much as possible.

My discoveries by integrating striking with his knowledge were supported by Dr. Yessis before he passed and now his legendary peers.

In summer 2023, I showed it to some of the highest profile martial artists in the world.

Since then, I have taken a hiatus from publishing long-form breakdowns to go all-in on showcasing what Dr. Yessis gave me.

Now, in 2024, I am now coaching some of the greatest fighters on the biggest stages against some of the most talented champions of this era.

We are now 16-1 in Season 1, and we are going after the biggest titles in striking soon. 

Everything you see here is a reflection of what we discovered before I went all in.

To my long time fans, thank you for the support you've given me over the years. It has made all this possible.

- Lawrence Kenshin

Since then, thousands of martial artists from all over the world wrote in...

  ... to tell me how much my work helped them transform on their striking journey. It's been a great honor to serve martial artists for a decade online now... from passionate beginners to world class champions. Whatever technical goals they had, my work helped them get closer to mastery.

Technique fight analysis was once a tiny niche, but it has now gone mainstream. Along the way, it has transformed the way people learn and view martial arts. Thanks to legends and incredible supporters like you, it's also helped me become one of the top educators in the martial arts world.

Today, on top of creating unique and systematic video courses with them, I also coach and game plan amongst these legends. It all came from nothing... I'll never forget how nervous I was publishing my first few videos and sending it to my heroes. Back then, I'd spend weeks studying a legend and their brilliant patterns. I would put what I learned into a breakdown video, all for free — and people loved it. When the legends saw my breakdowns, they said I was reading their minds.

However, based on what Dr. Yessis has given me, I can confidently say that all of my contributions to martial arts thus far is minor compared to the integration of "Legendary Striking and Legendary Sport Science."


There is Wisdom in Tradition, But It Only Works For 5% of the Most Talent... the ones who make it through the "sink or swim" filter.

The top 5% either survive, or get filtered out from the team or are ignored by the coaches like the other 95%... and that's actually an optimistic estimate.

I believe that it's a tragic reality is that many people who got filtered out may have simply needed a better learning process, one that did not include unnecessary injuries and bad habits.

In fact, many athletes are otherwise much more talented than the ones who make it through "sink and swim" if coaches simply had a better toolset. Many actual geniuses that I've met fall in this category, and even the most elite coaches they sought out failed to give them fundamental progression.

"Old school" tradition works well for people who are "naturally talented," but even for them, it is far from optimized. And they are only the "most talented" for the traditional training methodology, not necessarily for training modalities outside of these widely adopted methods.

Every single sport and its training has been through a similar journey: first, relying on tradition to guide them, and resisting new, unfamiliar methods, until individual athletes or teams who adopt these new methods begin to surpass the rest of the field.

That is how a method can "assert superiority." That is what we have been proving.

Thanks to what Dr. Yessis gave me, a man who integrated knowledge from the great Soviet sport scientists, I believe we have discovered new training methods that will revolutionize martial arts training.

Because striking sports in general are heavily tradition-bearing and most resistance training methods actually fail to improve them for competition, they are among the very last sports to adopt "scientific processes of athletic development."

No other sport has rejected sport science to this degree, and this is actually because bringing sport science into striking sports is much harder than other sports. You see, striking requires a more sophisticated kinetic chain than any other sport I can think of, and the amount of techniques and athletic attributes required make Striking and MMA the hardest sport rated by research.

If you're in the old school camp, understand that at the world class levels in all sports, sport science represents human optimization, backed by decades of institutional research by some of the most brilliant minds in history. During the cold war between Sovet Union and USA, the sport scientists had all the funding they need to develop their athletes and innovate. 

Dr. Yessis was the bridge between the Soviet innovation and the rest of the world. 

Don't mistake world class athletic development for your everyday strength coaches claiming that they understand striking or that they know develop strikers athletically.

Instead, learn directly from the source as I did, the true innovators. Before Dr. Yessis passed away, he acknowledged my discoveries and encouraged that I should keep going, as one day these contributions would become a world wide phenomenon.

Genuine progression can be fast tracked... it's not a "short cut." 

How? By standing on the shoulder of giants, we remove all the obstacles that stop an athlete from progressing.

If you have learned from the greatest from any field, you will understand that it is possible to spend less time and get better faster. This is "standing on the shoulder of giants."

Rather than the gimmicks, hacks, or so called secrets and shorcuts, there are legitimately more intelligent processes due to learning from the greatest of all time.

For martial arts, I learned from the legends of two fields and integrated "Legendary Sport Science" with "Legendary Striking."

By doing so, here's what I think the industry is missing:

1. Complex ideas should be explained simply for anyone to understand, from even the beginner to world class martial artists… "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. If you can't explain it simply then you don't understand it well enough."

2. The student should be able to effortlessly apply the knowledge. Many coaches and fighters will know "what knowledge to share," yet the student will not be able to apply the wisdom they're trying to teach them. The gap is having the right toolkit to successfully transfer the knowledge and the student to apply effortlessly.

3. Everything is too segmented rather than a cohesive system. Most people focus too much techniques in isolation, fancy tactics and tricks rather than layering all of it in a logical and cohesive progression and system. 

These are some of the reasons why solid fundamentals are NEVER built in most strikers. 

The new standard is that great fundamentals should be built in weeks or months, but the fact is that most strikers today never build solid fundamentals even after years of training

This is a pain point across the martial arts industry. Why do so many people fail to improve fast in their striking journey, especially in the beginning?

Striking coaches and strength coaches currently have a limited toolkit to immediately correct bad habits. We have solved that with new training methods that has been successfully applied across all levels, from the beginner to world champions.

You see, fundamentals may seem simple, but they are not easy. It is one thing to know a technique “in your head." It is a whole other thing to learn it fast and apply it correctly. This is why legends always preach mastery of the fundamentals, and never would they look beyond it like so many beginner or intermediate athletes. The moment that an advanced athlete thinks they're beyond the fundamentals is when they'll be beaten by another talented fighter who respects the fundamentals.

What you see in this course took me over a decade of researching and journeying around the world to learn from the world class strikers and athletic development experts - diving deeply into concepts like movement progression, athletic development, technical and tactical development...

I needed to do it all — discover, test and systemize and integrate the knowledge. Today, I have synthesized it and put it together in "Legendary Fundamentals" combined with "Legendary Sports Science."

Then I applied it successfully with my roster of athletes across all levels, and both amateur athletes as well as world class professionals are experiencing progression like never before. 

We have documented all of it and we will be releasing it publicly, and you are getting the first look here.

You see, most striking coaches don’t care about athletic development and a scientific progression. If the wisdom from traditions works for you, there is nothing wrong with that. However, we must ask the question—who does it fail and why? If 95% of people quickly hit a plateau and don't reach their potential, how do we solve that?

We’re Not Talking About Shortcuts... 
It’s About Optimization By The Greatest Sports Scientist in American History

If you have learned from the greatest from any field, you will understand that it is possible to spend less time and get better faster. It is possible to spend less time AND get better faster. It's not a gimmick, it's not a shortcut ― it’s a smarter process and genuinely optimized by learning from the greatest of all time across two fields.

1. When complex ideas are explained in simple and concise way…

2. When each technical cue is broken down such that not only know what it looks like, but can immediately apply and execute it yourself.

3. When every single technique and tactic is layered in a logical and cohesive progression…

Then, solid fundamentals can be built in weeks or months instead of NEVER being built even after years of training.

Why, then, do so many people fail to improve fast in their striking journey, especially in the beginning?

Because they are the victims of an unscientific process. 
Fundamentals may seem simple, but they are decidedly not easy. It is one thing to know a technique “in your head” cognitively. It is a whole other thing to learn it fast and execute it correctly. This is why legends always preach mastery of the fundamentals, and never would they look beyond it like so many beginner or intermediate athletes.

It took me over five years of researching and journeying around the world to consult the globe’s top strikers and athletic development experts - diving deeply into concepts like movement progression, athletic development, technical and tactical development...

I needed to do it all – the whole nine yards: discover, test and systemize the secrets to learning the striking arts. And then, once synthesized, I put it all into my new course — Legendary Fundamentals combined with Legendary Sports Science.

Most striking coaches don’t care about athletic development and scientific progression, and only about tradition— the way that they learned it.

Yes, Tradition Works, But Only For 5% of the Most Talent - the ones who make it through the "sink or swim" filter.


The top 5% either survive, or get weeded out from the team or are ignored by the coaches like the other 95%... and that's actually an optimistic estimate.

The sad reality is that many people who got weeded out may have simply needed a better learning process, one that did not include unnecessary injuries and bad habits.

Yes tradition works well for people who are exceptionally visually and athletically talented, but even for them, it is far from optimized. And they are only the "most talented" for the traditional training methodology, not necessarily for training modalities outside of tradition.

Every single sport and its training has been through a similar journey: first, relying on tradition to guide them, and resisting new, unfamiliar methods, until individual athletes or teams who adopt these new methods begin to eclipse the rest of the field.

Because striking sports in general are heavily tradition-bearing and close-minded, they are among the very last sports to adopt more scientific processes of athletic development.

Sports science is not just some woo woo. At the elite levels, it literally represents human optimization, backed by tremendous research by brilliant minds.

Don't mistake real athletic progression for the unscientific personal trainers claiming that they are training you with high level sports science. Instead, learn directly from the sport scientists who actually revolutionized human performance.

Athletic Development is the Field of Human Optimization.

This is a field to which governments such as that of the Soviet Union gave nearly unlimited funding for research and development. The result? The Soviets capturing a historic amount of gold medals across every international sport. Just unbelievable domination.

Their advanced methods, such as plyometrics, have since been popularized and continue to be proven by the athletes belonging to the very top echelon of coaches around the world, and it was thanks to my mentor, Dr. Michael Yessis, that these methodologies are known at all.

Who is using these training methods today in striking? Some of the world’s finest fighters - Vasyl Lomachenko, Giorgio Petrosyan, and Tenshin Nasukawa. Note how it is the very elite fighters employing these training methods. They are most definitely the exceptions – not the rule.

Yet, the Soviet greats and Dr. Yessis regarded plyometrics and specialized exercises as the most misunderstood and misapplied big ideas. These are their most advanced tiers of training yielding the most results, but most people can't even get the basics right first let alone the most advanced.

You see, in Soviet Russia, at the height of its competitive power, each athlete graduated through tiered training, from technical to athletic. For the Soviets, the progression of athletic training and movement was fully integrated with the technique of the sport – not made to be arbitrarily separate.

By combining biomechanics understanding of the sport, we can apply specific power development toward the technique. Understanding this unlocks the door to rapid and profound technical progression that is hard to believe.

In Dr. Yessis words, he is not aware of anyone who does this. I am also not aware of anyone who combines and integrates these two worlds into an easy to learn experience for strikers.

I have already shown this to world class strikers and the some of the highest profile martial artists in the world.

In serving some of the highest profile martial artists in the world, I was able to present my early findings to Dr. Yessis this summer before he passed away, which gratified him tremendously. You can see some of the early documentation below.

Athletic Development is the Field of Human Optimization.

This is a field to which governments such as that of the Soviet Union gave nearly unlimited funding for research and development. The result? The Soviets capturing a historic amount of gold medals across every international sport. Just unbelievable domination.

Their methods have since been popularized and continue to be proven by the athletes belonging to the very top echelon of coaches around the world, and it was thanks to my mentor, Dr. Michael Yessis, that these methodologies are known at all.

Who is using these training methods today in striking? Only the likes of the world’s finest fighters - Vasyl Lomachenko, Giorgio Petrosyan, and Tenshin Nasukawa. Note how it is the very, very slim sliver of elite fighters employing these training methods. They are most definitely the exceptions – not the rule.

In Soviet Russia, at the height of its competitive power, each athlete graduated through tiered training, from technical to athletic, much like in any other sport. But for the Soviets, the progression of athletic training and movement was FULLY INTEGRATED with the technique of the sport – not made to be arbitrarily separate.

This small example betrays the Soviets’ secret: BIOMECHANICS – the study of the consistencies of body movement across all sports. Understanding this unlocks the door to rapid and profound technical progression.

I am not aware of ANYONE who combines and integrates these two worlds into one easy-to-digest learning experience for strikers.

In being recruited by some of the highest profile martial artists in the world, I was able to present my early findings to Dr. Yessis this summer before he passed away.


David is a former university professor fascinated by martial arts. He is a genius who went from the "bottom 95%, to the top 5%" as a striker within weeks.

Previously, David was was a striking student that elite coaches gave up on due to not being able to apply the mechanics they wanted. You can see why in the first clip.

He was the first person I tested the "Yessis-Kenshin" system on in 2020. David went back to the elite striking coaches after a few sessions and they were also shocked. Within 7 sessions he was ready to spar with athletes. 15 sessions later, he often gives them trouble.

See it for yourself.


Dr. David Tian is a brilliant former professor turned executive coach. He has multiple masters and PhD degrees in psychology and philosophy from the most prestigious universities around the world.

David now runs his own business as one of the most recognized relationship coaches in Asia, and he's also a executive coach to some of the most high-profile individuals from around the world.

Growing up, David was an athlete of multiple sports, and he has trained in several traditional martial arts.

As an adult, he became an avid weightlifter and then became fascinated by Muay Thai, kickboxing and MMA.

David trained for several years at world-class gyms in Singapore and Thailand, taking over 100 one-on-one lessons with world champions. But all of that time spent with world class experts failed him.

Given who he is and who he trained with, he should've been a masterful striking technician, but he is a great example of how the wisdoms of traditions can fail even an intellectual genius with athletic talents.

You see, when David first came to me to bring his striking to a new level, he thought he was ready to learn advanced striking— the tactical striking that legends such as Saenchai use in their fights.

I didn't tell him at the time, but...

 He had absolutely no fundamentals and he didn't even know it.

Every single technique he executed would be considered a textbook failure.

I wasn’t shocked at all, and, to be fair, it's not really his fault. At the time, he didn’t know what he didn’t know.

Despite this, he wanted to learn Saenchai’s advanced striking, which are considered some of the toughest techniques to execute even by professional fighters.

That’s the problem. Like the greatest of all time Samart Payakaroon said, there are too many people who wish to learn fancy techniques, when they don’t even have their  fundamentals right.

And that's the difference between the best strikers and the ones who never meet their potential. One respects and understands the importance of fundamentals, and know that just because it's taught to beginners, the journey to mastering it never ends.

But the beautiful part is that in just a matter of weeks, he made progress that, anywhere else, with any other trainer, would have taken him years to achieve.

You see, I already knew that most coaches don't know how to correct and optimize technique to someone who is not a "natural striker."

But David, like so many strikers around the world, fell into the "Just Train Trap," thinking that if he just trained with experienced coaches and fighters, he'd get good along the way. At the very least, he'd have the basics down, right?

Years went by for David, and that never happened.

In fact, like most people, he didn't even know what the difference between bad or good technique was, let alone what the difference between good versus great is.

He lacked the self-awareness needed to make progress, which I completely believe is the coach's responsibility to create that awareness and remove all obstacles that stop him from progressing.

David was ignored by elite trainers and athletes.

He loved the sport, so David wondered why he wasn't improving. His grit and admiration for the warriors he saw performing on TV were all that kept him chipping away at what seemed like an endless rock.

Fortunately for David, I was putting together Legendary Fundamentals, a step-by-step process on building fundamentals – training methods on the cutting edge of sports science.

During the first session — within a mere 10 minutes — he was shocked at how much technical progression he was able to make and the new power he was able to generate.

In other words, with the exact knowledge that is in this course, I helped to optimize his intelligence and athletic ability, and allowed him to rise to meet his real natural potential – something all his previous training and one-on-ones with world champs had failed to do.

You see, a student can only meet their potential if the coach knows how to optimize for it.

In the case of David, he had always brought maximum effort and dedication. He was all of the intellectual prowess and physical capability to be a great striker.

But his well-intentioned coaches failed to bring it out of him, and the role of a good teacher is to have a student meet their potential.

That's what Legendary Fundamentals is about and why I will be dedicating this decade to proving what Dr. Yessis and I discovered.

As for David's coaches – it wasn’t their fault. They just never had to learn fundamentals the way he needed to learn it, so they have no clue how to teach them.

This is why 95% of people who train never seem to get better: they’re missing the intricate art of solid fundamentals.

Mastering fundamentals is actually complicated, and only a few coaches in the world have the toolset and communication ability to make it simple.

Does this mean David should never train with these coaches again?

No. In fact, David still trains with these coaches and now, his training is greatly enhanced. It is also far more personally rewarding. This is the experience of everyone I've coached. 

After clearing the obstacles that stop you from progressing, we can snowball your improvement at a hard to believe rate when you train with any good striking coach.

Within a few short sessions with me, David had developed good fundamentals.

And, when he went back into the Muay Thai gym, the same Thai trainers that once ignored him now came up to train and spar with him.

He was largely ignored before, and now he's noticed and they're always friendly. What changed?

On the pads, they gave him tactical and strategic pad work, pushing him a lot harder than they ever would with other students. Why?

Instead of just making him blast the pads for a quick workout with no technical adjustment, they suddenly held him to a much higher standard.

In a crowd of students, the trainers wanted to work with him instead of the other students.

In Muay Thai culture, this is a huge compliment.

You see, most traditional combat sports coaches, such as Muay Thai trainers in Thailand, love seeing progress and talent. So for David’s coaches to have suddenly taken an interest in him was their way of expressing that they were impressed with his progress and that they wanted to push him to get even better.

To summarize: after a few short sessions with me, David was no longer in the 95% - he was now “the 5%,” the cream of the crop.

Recognize what’s happening here: applying the knowledge in this curriculum has a "Snowball Effect" on your striking journey. Like a rolling snowball gets bigger, so do you get better. And like a growing snowball gathers more and more snow, so do you only get better and better exponentially.

Training based on the knowledge you’re going to learn in this course and going to a real Muay Thai gym are not mutually exclusive to one another. This program’s role is to enhance that synergy.

The purpose of this course is to make 100% of the students in Legendary Fundamentals transition into the top 5% of all people who practice martial arts.

Dr. David Tian is a brilliant guy who has just crushed it in life. Multiple masters and PhD degrees in psychology and philosophy from the most prestigious universities around the world.

He now runs his own business as one of the most recognized relationship coaches in Asia, and he's also a therapeutic coach to some of the most high-profile individuals from around the world.

It’s safe to say that he is a learning machine.

Growing up, David was an athlete of multiple sports, and he has trained in several traditional martial arts.

As an adult, he became an avid weightlifter. He trained for several years at world-class gyms in Singapore and Thailand, taking over 50 (!!) one-on-one lessons with world champions.

All of this should set him up to be a skilled striking technician, right? A true beast.

Tragically wrong.

When David first came to me to bring his striking to a new level, he thought he was ready to learn advanced striking— the tactical striking that legends use in their fights.

I didn't have the heart to tell him BUT...


...He had absolutely no fundamentals.

Every single technique he executed would be considered a textbook failure.

The funny thing is, I wasn’t shocked at all, and, to be fair, it's not really his fault. At the time, he didn’t know what he didn’t know. Despite this, he wanted to learn Saenchai’s advanced striking, which are considered some of the toughest techniques to execute even by professional fighters. That’s the problem. Like Samart said, there are simply too many people who wish to learn fancy techniques, when they don’t even have their basic fundamentals right.

But the beautiful part is that in just a matter of weeks, he made progress that, anywhere else, with any other trainer, would have taken him YEARS to achieve.

You see, I already knew that most coaches have no idea how to teach body movement to someone who is not super talented.

But David, like so many strikers around the world, fell into the "JUST TRAIN!” TRAP, thinking that if he just trained with experienced coaches and fighters, he'd get good along the way. At the very least, he'd have the basics down, right?

Years went by for David, and that never happened.

In fact, like most people, he didn't even know what bad or good technique was.

He lacked the self-awareness needed to make progress (which I believe is the coach's responsibility.)

But he was aware that the Thai trainers in class mostly ignored him, and that the talented athletes usually utterly schooled him.

He loved the sport, so David wondered why he wasn't improving. His grit and admiration for the warriors he saw performing on TV were all that kept him chipping away at what seemed like an endless rock.

Fortunately for David, I was putting together Legendary Fundamentals, a step-by-step process on building fundamentals – training methods on the cutting edge of sports science.

During the first session — within a mere 10 minutes — he was shocked at how much technical progression he was able to make and the new power he was able to generate.

In other words, with the exact knowledge that is in this course, I helped to optimize his intelligence and athletic ability, and allowed him to rise to meet his natural potential – something all his previous training and one-on-ones with world champs had failed to do.

A student can only meet their potential if the coach knows how to optimize for it.

In the case of David, he had always brought maximum effort and dedication. He was plenty intelligent and athletic enough to be a good striker.

But his instructors had failed to bring it out of him, and the role of a good teacher is to have a student meet their potential.

That's what Legendary Fundamentals is about.

As with David's coaches – it wasn’t their fault. They just never had to learn fundamentals the way he needed to learn it, so they have no clue how to teach them.

It’s really not their fault, but IT IS the reason that 95% of people who train never seem to get better: they’re missing the intricate art of solid fundamentals.

Does this mean David should never train with these coaches again?

No! In fact, David still trains with these coaches and now, his training is greatly enhanced (and far more personally rewarding).


Within a few short sessions with me, David had developed good fundamentals...

And, when he went back into the Muay Thai gym, the same Thai trainers that once ignored him now came up to train and spar with him.

He was largely ignored before, and now he's noticed and they're always friendly. What changed?

On the pads, they gave him tactical and strategic pad work, pushing him a lot harder than they ever would with other students. Why?

Instead of just making him blast the pads for a quick workout with NO technical adjustment, they suddenly held him to a much higher standard.

In a crowd of students, the trainers WANTED to work with him instead of the other students.

In Muay Thai culture, this is a HUGE COMPLIMENT.

You see, most traditional combat sports coaches, such as Muay Thai trainers in Thailand, love seeing progress and talent. So for David’s coaches to have suddenly taken an interest in him was their way of expressing that they were impressed with his progress and that they wanted to push him to get even better.


To summarize: after a few short sessions with me, David was no longer in the
95% - he was now “the 5%,”
the cream of the crop.

Recognize what’s happening here: practicing this curriculum has a SNOWBALL EFFECT on your striking journey. Like a rolling snowball gets bigger, so do you get better. And like a growing snowball gathers more and more snow, so do you only get better and better exponentially.

Training based on the knowledge you’re going to learn in this course and going to a real Muay Thai gym are NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE to one another. This program’s role is to enhance that synergy. The purpose of this course is to make 100% of the students in Legendary Fundamentals transition into the top 5% of all people who practice martial arts.

"When I teach abroad, I always teach the basics first. Most people don’t want to learn the basics. That is the wrong way to think. Everyone wants the fancy techniques when they’re not ready to learn them." 

Samart Payakaroon
The Greatest of All Time


"A lot of students, especially foreigners, don't want to learn the basics, but that is the wrong way to think." - The Greatest of All Time

Yes, said by the flashiest striker, Samart Payakaroon, the man who captured the world boxing title and dominated Muay Thai in the golden era with more style than anyone else.

The GOAT did it with eyes of an eagle, dodging 15 punch combos and spinning kicks from world champions with his hands down.

Lately, I've been blessed with the the great responsibility of building striking curriculums with the flashiest fighters in striking history, including Saenchai and Lerdsila.

But let me tell you a secret right now. Like Samart, they can only fight the way they do (hands down, taunting and being untouchable) by having better fundamentals than everyone else.

Don't just hear it from me, hear it from Samart when I spoke with him. Like he predicted in 2016, foreigners have now caught up to the Thais due to their learning and growth mindset.

"They want to learn the
fancy techniques when they can't even do the BASICS."


Samart Payakaroon
The Greatest of All Time


"A lot of students, especially foreigners, don't want to learn the basics, but that is the wrong way to think." - The Greatest of All Time

Yes, said by the flashiest striker, Samart Payakaroon, the man who captured the world boxing title and dominated Muay Thai in the golden era with more style than anyone else.

The GOAT did it with eyes of an eagle, dodging 15 punch combos and spinning kicks from world champions with his hands down.

Lately, I've been blessed with the the great responsibility of building striking curriculums with the flashiest fighters in striking history, including Saenchai and Lerdsila.

But let me tell you a secret right now. Like Samart, they can only fight the way they do (hands down, taunting and being untouchable) by having better fundamentals than everyone else.

Don't just hear it from me, hear it from Samart when I spoke with him. Like he predicted in 2016, foreigners have now caught up to the Thais due to their learning and growth mindset.


After publishing my striking breakdowns on legendary fighters, it’s become somewhat common to receive inquiries from top-tier coaches and fighters, asking for my input on their game plans. In fact, I've been sought after to scout out the techniques and strategy of some of your favorite fighters, and helped strategize for high-profile fights behind the scenes. 

Spotting strengths, weaknesses and patterns in combat is my gift.

I love studying the game, but what primarily has kept me going all this time is the support from fighters and countless fans that recognize the strength of this work and how it has personally helped their striking journey.

Because I am continuously absorbing info on all things related to striking, the potency of my gift has only increased over time. What I am now able to do for strikers of any level is completely different from before. I've been able to facilitate faster progress for athletes of all levels than anyone else I've seen. Due to being mentored by Dr. Yessis, I have developed a uniquely analytical process for striking techniques and matured it with sophisticated, world-class sports science.

People often ask me: "How is it that you spot these things?" or "How do you have such a good eye for technique?"

It didn’t happen all at once.

More than a decade ago, I was badly injured.

Before my injury, I was known in combat sports circles as someone who picks up techniques really quickly – faster than any just-starting-out student can be expected to be.

After my injury, though, I couldn’t find a single expert to help adequately deal with the pain – so I mostly had to just fight through it. When the pain eventually got to be too much for me, I was forced to the sidelines. The only thing I could realistically do to improve as a fighter was to review and analyze footage.

While many of my teammates that I mentored were becoming top prospects, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I relentlessly improved my mind. This is how Lawrence Kenshin’s Striking Breakdowns was born, and since then I have shared more and more of my striking analysis with the world.

I felt I couldn’t simply “talk the talk” without “walking the walk,” so every time the pain lessened, I would jump back into training with disastrous results. The pain would inevitably come back with a vengeance, making me want to quit training altogether.

It got so bad that there were many days I couldn’t even get up to eat. Orthopedic doctors, physiotherapists, and personal trainers I sought out didn’t help or ended up making things worse.

This was without a doubt, the hardest period of my life, and it’s why I took a two-year-plus hiatus.

But I didn't give up. When I wasn't able to move much at all, I diligently kept up on my reading, digesting book after book on sports science and rehab everyday. After reading dozens of them, I saw that these works often led back to a few particular names, and one of them was Dr. Michael Yessis, a biomechanics professor and one of the greatest sport scientists of all time.

Not only is Yessis responsible for popularizing many of the sport science concepts you see at the top of literally every popular sport today, he was also responsible for educating the first wave of sports rehabilitation doctors in America.

Dr. Yessis officially took me on as a mentee and, also, he healed my body in ways that other experts couldn't.

After rigorous study of world-class sports science, the lens through which I previously had viewed technique, tactics and strategy had widened substantially.

I have known what it feels like to be a "natural," but I have also known what it feels like to be unable to improve due to my own body's dysfunctions. I know what it feels like to be biomechanically unable to execute techniques.

But now, I know what striking progression CAN feel like with proper sports science.

Yes- unparalleled progress is possible with the right method, for strikers of all experience and all levels. The best part yet: it CAN be learned online.

The dual worlds of technical striking and sport science can be seamlessly integrated. With a well thought-out and unified system, strikers of any level can massively speed up their technical progression thanks to an enhanced biomechanical understanding of athletic progression.

With personal access to many of the greatest striking coaches and fighters of all time, I was able to combine what they passed on to me, what I studied through footage, and world-class sports science – all together.

In other words, I combined these two distinct worlds in a way that no one else has proven to have done.

Legendary Fundamentals represents a massive swath of empirical evidence of the best, most scientific methodology there is for progressive technical striking.

In this curriculum—possibly the most essential to your striking progression— I give you access to world-class science behind the most successful fighters of all time where you also get to follow along the exercises with pro and amateur athletes.

I’ve combined that foundation with even more detailed breakdowns and essays – virtually everything you’ve seen from me before - sequenced intuitively for easy navigation.

This is the solution to the problem from which I believe the vast majority of strikers suffer. The truth is this: most striking coaches and practitioners around the world get it wrong. The very premise of their training – that your skills will forever improve so long as you simply “put in the work” – is wastefully incorrect.

So many people “just train” and expect to see progression.

I thought the very same thing before finding Dr. Michael Yessis – and I was blown away by just how wrong I was. If you’ve been feeling stuck for a long time now, THIS IS your cure. By practicing what is taught in Legendary Fundamentals, you’ll experience a growth in how powerful you feel. You’ll no longer feel as frustrated as you are right now.

I guarantee that you’ll feel much happier in training when you, your coach and your training partners witness how fast you’re improving after the course. They’d want to know your secret. That’s exactly the experience I’ve heard from my current students who’ve made tremendous jumps with Legendary Fundamentals.

If you’re completely happy with where you are right now, then perfect, you don’t need this course. But if you have no idea why you’re nowhere as good as people you’ve been training with despite putting in the same hours of work as them and you’re looking for some answers, you just found them.

After publishing my striking breakdowns on legendary fighters, it’s become somewhat common to receive inquiries from top-tier coaches and fighters, asking for my input on their game plans. In fact, I've been sought after to scout out the techniques and strategy of some of your favorite fighters, and helped strategize for high-profile fights behind the scenes.


Spotting strengths, weaknesses and patterns in combat is my gift.

I love studying the game, but what primarily has kept me going all this time is the support from fighters and countless fans that recognize the strength of this work and how it has personally helped their striking journey.

Because I am continuously absorbing info on all things related to striking, the potency of my gift has only increased over time. What I am now able to do for strikers of any level is completely different from before. I've been able to facilitate faster progress for athletes of all levels than anyone else I've seen. Due to being mentored by Dr. Yessis, I have developed a uniquely analytical process for striking techniques and matured it with sophisticated, world-class sports science.

People often ask me: "How is it that you spot these things?" or "How do you have such a good eye for technique?"

It didn’t happen all at once.


More than a decade ago, I was badly injured.

Before my injury, I was known in combat sports circles as someone who picks up techniques really quickly – faster than any just-starting-out student can be expected to be.

After my injury, though, I couldn’t find a single expert to help adequately deal with the pain – so I mostly had to just fight through it. When the pain eventually got to be too much for me, I was forced to the sidelines. The only thing I could realistically do to improve as a fighter was to review and analyze footage.

While many of my teammates that I mentored were becoming top prospects, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I relentlessly improved my mind. This is how Lawrence Kenshin’s Striking Breakdowns was born, and since then I have shared more and more of my striking analysis with the world.

I felt I couldn’t simply “talk the talk” without “walking the walk,” so every time the pain lessened, I would jump back into training with disastrous results. The pain would inevitably come back with a vengeance, making me want to quit training altogether.

It got so bad that there were many days I couldn’t even get up to eat. Orthopedic doctors, physiotherapists, and personal trainers I sought out didn’t help or ended up making things worse.


This was without a doubt, the hardest period of my life, and it’s why I took a two-year-plus hiatus.

But I didn't give up. When I wasn't able to move much at all, I diligently kept up on my reading, digesting book after book on sports science and rehab everyday. After reading dozens of them, I saw that these works often led back to a few particular names, and one of them was Dr. Michael Yessis, a biomechanics professor and one of the greatest sport scientist of all time.

Not only is Yessis responsible for popularizing many of the sport science concepts you see at the top of literally every popular sport today, he was also responsible for educating the first wave of sports rehabilitation doctors in America.

Dr. Yessis officially took me on as a mentee and, also, he healed my body in ways that other experts couldn't.

After rigorous study of world-class sports science, the lens through which I previously had viewed technique, tactics and strategy had widened substantially.

I have known what it feels like to be a "natural," but I have also known what it feels like to be unable to improve due to my own body's dysfunctions. I know what it feels like to be biomechanically unable to execute techniques.


But now, I know what striking progression CAN feel like with proper sports science.

Yes- unparalleled progress is possible with the right method, for strikers of all experience and all levels. The best part yet: it CAN be learned online.

The dual worlds of technical striking and sport science can be seamlessly integrated. With a well thought-out and unified system, strikers of any level can massively speed up their technical progression thanks to an enhanced biomechanical understanding of athletic progression.

With personal access to many of the greatest striking coaches and fighters of all time, I was able to combine what they passed on to me, what I studied through footage, and world-class sports science – all together.

In other words, I combined these two distinct worlds in a way that no one else has proven to have done.

Legendary Fundamentals represents a massive swath of empirical evidence of the best, most scientific methodology there is for progressive technical striking.

In this curriculum—possibly the most essential to your striking progression— I give you access to world-class science behind the most successful fighters of all time where you also get to follow along the exercises with pro and amateur athletes.

I’ve combined that foundation with even more detailed breakdowns and essays – virtually everything you’ve seen from me before - sequenced intuitively for easy navigation.

This is the solution to the problem from which I believe the vast majority of strikers suffer. The truth is this: most striking coaches and practitioners around the world get it wrong. The very premise of their training – that your skills will forever improve so long as you simply “put in the work” – is wastefully incorrect.


So many people
“just train” and expect
to see progression.

I thought the very same thing before finding Dr. Michael Yessis – and I was blown away by just how wrong I was. If you’ve been feeling stuck for a long time now, THIS IS your cure. By practicing what is taught in Legendary Fundamentals, you’ll experience a growth in how powerful you feel. You’ll no longer feel as frustrated as you are right now.

I guarantee that you’ll feel much happier in training when you, your coach and your training partners witness how fast you’re improving after the course. They’d want to know your secret. That’s exactly the experience I’ve heard from my current students who’ve made tremendous jumps with Legendary Fundamentals.

If you’re completely contented with where you are right now, then perfect, you don’t need this course. But if you have no idea why you’re nowhere as good as people you’ve been training with despite putting in the same hours of work as them and you’re desperate for some answers, you’re in the right place.

Case Study #1

This is the first time we tested "Kenshin Rotations" on an athlete in 2022. We saw results that went way beyond our expectation with this talented grappling athlete. Since then, we have replicated this transformation with dozens of athletes, including some of the highest profile martial artists in the world. 

It wasn't just beginners who transformed. In fact, the more talented an athlete was, the bigger the jump and progression we would see.


Case Study #2


Now we can do the same type of transforming in the same day session for athletes with high general fitness baseline. This is a fighter with over 20 bouts and key training partner to UFC fighters. 

While same day session transformations are really great, what we can do with real time building foundations and a systematic progression goes much further. This only represents the base of what we are capable of.





Over 300+ lessons worth of content filmed and produced to accelerate your striking.


Including Chris "The Terminator" Mauceri, top 3 Muay Thai fighter in North America (By Hitting the Heavy Bag)


Including Chris "The Terminator" Maucer, top 3 Muay Thai fighter in North America


Watch real life application of Legendary Fundamentals, featuring professionals fighters like Marie Ruumet - Rank #1 Female Fighter in Thailand, and Ali Reza - Grappling phenom with an approx. 250-10 record in national grappling tournaments.



... and we're not finished. More video modules coming your way ...

Enroll Now >
Instant Free Access To



The secret to how I've helped countless professional and recreational strikers gain a massive improvement in their striking is not hours of padwork but to use a scientific process I've tailored for the sport. Under the mentorship with Dr. Yessis, the greatest sports scientist of all time, and my decade worth of experience in striking analysis, I've developed probably the single most optimized way to make years worth of progress in just months. 

In this sports science curriculum of 20+ videos, you will practice a range of general, specialized to highly specialized exercises targeted to power up your striking game real fast.

$497 Value

Released To You After 35 Days




Bunpot Sor. Boonyaa, also known as Kru Bunpot, is Saenchai's hardest clinching partner. An elite fighter himself, many professional fighters know him to be a Muay Khao (clinch knee and elbow fighter) genius with his excellent clinch techniques in the ring.

In this value-stacked course of 25 videos, you will learn some of the clinch techniques and secrets from the very best clinch specialist in Muay Thai.

$197 Value

Real Progress Zone

Transformational Progress Guaranteed







 We are confident that you’ll see a significant transformation in your striking game.

If you show us that you actually did the work through footage, and also asked for help on our analysis and did not improve, then we will refund. 

Limited Time Only


Limited Time Only



$997 70% OFF

✓ Over 300 lesson of Legendary Fundamentals
✓ Elite instructors incl. Chris Mauceri
âś“ Access to proprietary LK-Yessis Program
✓ Backed by 60 yrs of sports science research
✓Access to my viral "Principles of Legendary Striking"
✓ Access to LK-Yessis athlete development footage
✓ Featuring #1 female in Thailand, Marie Ruumet 
✓ Featuring 250-10 grappling phenom, Ali Reza

✓ *Bonus 25x video course “Muay Khao” Masterclass by Kru Bunpot Saenchai's hardest partner

Enroll Now >









It was difficult to progress in Muay Thai and Kickboxing even after years of training with some of the best coaches and fighters in Thailand and Singapore. What other coaches don’t have is a clear system and a way to articulate high level nuances in ways that are easily understood. Lawrence understands how to systemize techniques in detail so that anyone with discipline can make a lot of progress in a limited amount of time.

David Tian, World Class Philosophical Psychology Professor


Training with Lawrence Kenshin has been excellent because practicing for as long as I have, I thought that my fundamentals were pretty good. Lawrence Kenshin showed me that there’s more to the basics than I realized. In the first session, I dramatically improved by learning to choose better strike selection, timing my attacks, and combining my attacks successfully.

Overall, in comparison to other places, this has been by far the fastest I’ve ever improved and that’s just from one class. I’m looking forward to how much better I’ll be after a couple more sessions.

Ali Reza

Grappling Talent & Amateur Fighter


The LK-Yessis System was life changing. I wish I had it at the beginning of my journey, so that I didn’t have to go through all the pain from all the unnecessary injuries. There were so much brilliant striking tactics I wanted to emulate from Legendary Fighters, but I didn’t have the body or the technique to do them. This system gave me those tools, and training became fun rather than being full of pain. Never could I have imagined scoring so well on seasoned talents, but even more importantly, I gained my physical health back.

Ray Wong, Khongsittha Intern and Martial Arts Enthusiast


With Lawrence Kenshin’s Legendary Fundamentals system, I was able to make years of progress in months. When covid happened, I was forced to go back to the UK from Thailand, I trained under the LK-Yessis system during my time in the UK, and when I came back to my original camp in Thailand, the elite Thai trainers were shocked at how much better my fundamentals became… With this curriculum, it’s absolutely possible to make years of progress in a matter of months… I’ve witnessed it in my own way. I didn’t know that years of professional fighter and a champion didn’t mean I had “legendary fundamentals”. I wish I had access to this program from the beginning of my journey. Even though I have access to world class trainers, this curriculum is what maximizes my striking potential.

Jack Farren, 11-0 Chiang Mai Stadium Muay Thai Champion

Learn Legendary Fundamentals Today